Bom Começaremos com o GUIA DO CRUSADER CODEX
mais basicamente oq eh o crusader codex? crusader codex eh um livro onde você podera coletar cartas dos monstros e formar sets de cartas,no final de cada set de cartas formados o set dara um determinado atributo ..exemplo no set da DEAD MINE...''ZAKUM'' teremos 2% ATT e 2 MAGIC ATT
Como posso acessar meu crusader codex? ...simples no gms agente apertaria a tecla ''B'' porem como extalia muda all comandos... encontraremos o Crusade codex apertando o Botão de equipamentos ''E'' e clicando 2 vezes encima do book!
Quanto mais sets você tiver..mais pontos de Score vc tera.. e mais stats seus Crusader Codex tera..Segue abaixo a tabela de Scores
Book Level:1
All Stats+:1
Book Level:2
All Stats+:2
Book Level:3
All Stats+:3
Medal:New Collector, Stats: HP+50, MP+50,
Book Level:4
All Stats+:4
Book Level:5
All Stats+:5
Book Level:6
All Stats+:6
Medal:Renowned, Stats: HP+100, MP+100
Book Level:7
All Stats+:7
Book Level:8
All Stats+:8
Medal:Amazing, Stats: HP+100, MP+100, W.ATT+1, M.ATT+1
Book Level:9
All Stats+:9
Medal:Master, Stats: HP+200, MP+200, W.ATT+1, M.ATT+1
Book Level:10
All Stats+:10
Medal:Legendary, Stats: HP+200, MP+200, W.ATT+2, M.ATT+2
All Stats+:1
Book Level:2
All Stats+:2
Book Level:3
All Stats+:3
Medal:New Collector, Stats: HP+50, MP+50,
Book Level:4
All Stats+:4
Book Level:5
All Stats+:5
Book Level:6
All Stats+:6
Medal:Renowned, Stats: HP+100, MP+100
Book Level:7
All Stats+:7
Book Level:8
All Stats+:8
Medal:Amazing, Stats: HP+100, MP+100, W.ATT+1, M.ATT+1
Book Level:9
All Stats+:9
Medal:Master, Stats: HP+200, MP+200, W.ATT+1, M.ATT+1
Book Level:10
All Stats+:10
Medal:Legendary, Stats: HP+200, MP+200, W.ATT+2, M.ATT+2
Percebão que apartir em algums lvl's você ganhara medalhas...
Todos os sets terão certos monstros e bosses a matar...segue a baixo a lista
Verde = Possiveis de pegar Red = Impossiveis de se pegar..''no extalia''
Victoria Island Friends
Set Score:10
Mob's Needed:Snail, Blue Snail, Shroom, Red Snail
Rein Friends
Set Score:10
Mob's Needed:Muru, Murumuru, Murupa, Murupia, Murukun
Edelstein Friends
Set Score:10
Mob's Needed:Potted Sprout, Potted Morning Glory, Grape Juice Bottle
Kerning City
Set Score:30
Mob's Needed:Octopus, Jr. Necki, Shade, Wraith, Jr. Wraith, Ligator, Croco, Muddy Swamp Monster, Stirge, King Slime, Dyle
Kerning Square
Set Score:50
Mob's Needed:Cherry Bubble Tea, Mango Bubble Tea, Melon Bubble Tea, Yeti Doll Claw Game, Jr. Pepi Doll Claw Game, Transformed Doll Claw Game, Blue Perfume, Yellow Perfume, Pink Perfume, Kid Mannequin, Female Mannequin, Male Mannequin, Latest Hits Compilation, Greatest Oldies, Cheap Amplifier, Fancy Amplifier, Spirit Of Rock
Set Score:40
Mob's Needed:Slime, Bubbling, Evil Eye, Surgeon Eye, Fairy, Royal Fairy, Lupin, Curse Eye, Cold Eye, Zombie Lupin, Fraust, Malady
Set Score:90
Mob's Needed:Copper Drake, Drake, Red Drake, Wild Kargo, Ice Drake, Dark Drake, Tauromacis, Taurospear, Jr.Balrog, Unknown Snack Bar, [b]Balrog (Yes it is the Expedition one, it drops 2 cards on the bonus stage)
Set Score:40
Mob's Needed:Stump, Dark Stump, Axe Stump, Ghost Stump, Smirking Ghost Stump, Dark Axe Stump, Wild Boar, Wooden Mask, Rocky Mask, Terrified Wild Boar, Fire Boar, Stumpy, Jr. Boogie, Iron Hog, Skeledog, Mummydog, Iron Boar, Skeleton Soldier, Officer Skeleton, Commander Skeleton
Set Score:30
Mob's Needed:Green Mushroom, Orange Mushroom, Horny Mushroom, Blue Mushroom, Crying Blue Mushroom, Zombie Mushroom, Annoyed Zombie Mushroom, Stone Golem, Dark Stone Golem, Mixed Golem, Mushmom, Zombie Mushmom, Blue Mushmom, Cynical Orange Mushroom
Overlooked Villages
Set Score:50
Mob's Needed:Snail, Bue Snail, Muru, Murumuru, Murupa, Murupia, Murukun, Spore, Red Snail, Pig, Ribbon Pig, Blue Ribbon Pig, Mano, Lorang, Tortie, Clang, King Clang
Mushroom Castle
Set Score:30
Mob's Needed:Renegade Spore, Poison Mushroom, Intoxicated Pig, Helmet Pepe, Royal Guard Pepe, Grey Yeti and King Pepe, White Yeti and King Pepe, Gold Yeti and King Pepe, Prime Minister
Set Score:50
Mob's Needed:Potted Sprout, Potted Morning Glory, Grape Juice Bottle, Patrol Robot, Strange Sign, Serpent, Water Thief Monster, Dust Box, Streetlight, Patrol Robot S, Baby Boulder Muncher, Big Boulder Muncher
Verne Mine
Set Score:55
Mob's Needed:Gaurd Robot, Raco, Big Spider, Racaroni, Racoco, Gaurd Robot L, Cart Bear, Security System, Enhanced Security System, AF Android, Broken AF Android, Ore Muncher
Nihal Desert
Set Score:90
Mob's Needed:.Desert Rabbit (F), Desert Rabbit (M), Jr. Cactus, Cactus, Royal Cactus, Bellamoa, Earplug Plead, Scarf Plead, Meerkat, Sand Rat, Scorpion, Sand Dwarf, Kiyo, Dark Sand Dwarf, Deo, Desert Giant
Set Score:110
Mob's Needed:Cube Slime, Rumo, Triple Rumo, Iron Mutae, Reinforced Iron Mutae, Mithril Mutae, Reinforced Mithril Mutae, Roid, Neo Huroid, Rurumo, Homun, Saitie, Security Camera, D. Roy, Homunculus, Deet and Roi, Homunscullo, Chimera, Frankenroid
Set Score:680
Mob's Needed:Beetle, Dual Beetle, Hankie, Rash, Dark Rash, Hobi, Green hobi, Harp, Blood Harp, Black Kentaurus , Blue Kentaurus, Red Kentauras, Birk, Dual Birk, Blue Dragon Turtle, Red Dragon Turtle, Rexton, Brexton, Green Cornian, Dark Cornian, Red Wyvern, Blue Wyvern, Dark Wyven, Manon, Griffey, Jr. Newtie, Nest Golem, Skelegon, Skelesaurus, Leviathan, Dragonoir, Dragon Rider, Horned Tail
Set Score:160
Mobs Needed:Trixter, Green Trixter, Brown Teddy, Pink Teddy, Ratz, Panda Teddy, Roloduck, Black Rats, Helly, Tick, Retz, King Bloctopus, Bloctopus, Propelly, Planey, Toy Trojan, Chronos, Chirppy, Tweeter, Drumming Bunny, Rombot, Block Golem, King Block Golem, Robo, Master Robo, Tick-Tock, Platoon Chronos, Master Chronos, Timer, Alishar
Clocktower Bottom Floor
Set Score:130
Mobs Needed:Buffy, Lazy Buffy, Soul Teddy, Master Soul Teddy, Buffoon, Deep Buffoon, Death Teddy, Master Death Teddy, Ghost Pirate, Dual Ghost Pirate, Klock, Dark Klock, Spirit Viking, Gigantic Spirit Viking, Phantom Watch, Grim Phantom Watch, Gatekeeper, Thanatos, Papulatus
Ellin Forest
Set Score:90
Mobs Needed:Mossy Snail, Tree Rod, Mossy Mushroom, Stone Bug, Primitive Bear, Poison Golem,
Aqua Road
Set Score:240
Mobs Needed:Seacle, Cico, Krappy, Pinboom, Bubble Fish, Flower Fish, Krip, Scuba Pepe, Mask Fish, Jr. Seal, Seruf, Sparker, Freezer, Poopa, Poison Poopa, Goby, Bone Fish, Squid, Risell Squid, Shark, Cold Shark, Pianus
Set Score:60
Mobs Needed:Jr. Lioner, Jr. Cellion, Jr. Grupin, Star Pixie, Lioner, Cellion, Grupin, Lunar Pixie, Nependeath, Dark Nependeath, Luster Pixie, Jr. Lucida, Lucida, Papa Pixie
El Nath
Set Score:60
Mobs Needed:Sentinel, Jr. Yeti, Hector, Dark Jr. Yeti, White Fang, Jr. Sentinel, Ice Sentinel, Fire Sentinel, Leatty, Dark Leatty, Jr. Pepe, Snow Witch, Pepe, Dark Pepe
Dead Mine
Set Score:210
Mobs Needed:Fly Eye, Cerebes, Fire Bomb, Coolie Zombie, Miner Zombie, Riche, Yeti, Dark Yeti, Bain, Yeti and Pepe, Werewolf, Lycanthrope, Dark Yeti and Pepe, Snowman, Zakum
Omega Sector&KFT (Korean Folk Town)
Set Score:80
Mobs Needed:Barnard Grey, Zeta Grey, Ultra Grey, Mateon, Plateon, Mecateon, Moon Bunny, Chief Grey, Hodori, Samiho, Hogul, MT-09, Scholar Ghost, Morphed Blin, Zeno, Yellow King Goblin, Blue King Goblin, Green King Goblin, Nine Tailed Fox,
Mu Lung&Herb Town
Set Score:320
Mobs Needed:Chipmunk, Red Porky, Black Porky, Blue Flower Serpent, Red Flower Serpent, Jar, Ginseng Jar, Master Dummy, Grizzly, Bellflower Root, Sr. Bellflower Root, Straw Target Dummy, Wooden Target Dummy, Reindeer, Book Ghost, Panda, Mr. Alli, Peach Monkey, Kru, Captain, Tae Roon, King Sage Cat, Lord Pirate, Mu Gong
Temple Of Time
Set Score:285
Mobs Needed:Eye of Time, Memory Monk, Memory Monk Trainee, Memory Guardian, Chief Memory Guardian, Qualm Monk, Qualm Monk Trainee, Qualm Guardian, Chief Qualm Guardian, Oblivion Monk, Oblivion Monk Trainee, Oblivion Guardian, Chief Oblivion Guardian, Dodo, Lilynouch, Lyka, Pink Bean
Mushroom Shrine
Set Score:240
Mobs Needed:Crow, Cloud Fox, Big Cloud Fox, Paper Lantern Ghost, Fire Raccoon, Nightghost, Water Goblin, Dreamy Ghost, Blue Mushmom, Black Crow
Ninja Castle
Set Score:190
Mobs Needed:Genin, Chunin, Jonin, Kunoichi, Ashigaru, Ninto, Kacchuu Musha, Castellan,
Showa Village
Set Score:180
Mobs Needed:Extra A, Extra B, Extra C, Extra D, Leader A, Leader B, Bain, Male Boss, Anego, Bodyguard A, Bodyguard B, Grandpa,
Silent Crusade
Set Score:240
Mobs Needed:Mano, Stumpy, Dyle, Faust, Lord Skeleton, King Clang, Pixie Mom, Queen Pepe, Eliza, Toy Black Knight, Nine-Tailed Fox, Timer, Zeno, Deo, Rurumo, D. Roy, King Sage Cat, King Centipede, Master Hoblin, Master Harp, Master Birk, Kentaurus King, Master Dummy
Hoblin King
Set Score:90
Mobs Needed:Hobin Hector, Elite Hoblin, Elite Green Hoblin, Combat Hoblin, Ferocious Hoblin, Rex
Von Leon
Set Score:195
Mobs Needed:Crocky The Gate Keeper, Reindeer, Blood Reindeer, Bearwolf, Grey Vulture, Castle Golem, Von Leon
Henesys Ruins
Set Score:600
Mobs Needed:Mutant Snail, Mutant Orange Mushroom, Mutant Slime, Mutant Ribbon Pig, Mutant Tino, Mutant Tiru, Mutant Tiguru, Dawn, Blaze, Wind, Night, Thunder, Official Knight A, Official Knight B, Official Knight C, Official Knight D, Official Knight E, Advanced Knight A, Advanced Knight B, Advanced Knight C, Advanced Knight D, Advanced Knight E, Mikhail, Oz, Irena, Eckhart, Hawkeye, Cygnus
Victoria Island Friends
Set Score:10
Mob's Needed:Snail, Blue Snail, Shroom, Red Snail
Rein Friends
Set Score:10
Mob's Needed:Muru, Murumuru, Murupa, Murupia, Murukun
Edelstein Friends
Set Score:10
Mob's Needed:Potted Sprout, Potted Morning Glory, Grape Juice Bottle
Kerning City
Set Score:30
Mob's Needed:Octopus, Jr. Necki, Shade, Wraith, Jr. Wraith, Ligator, Croco, Muddy Swamp Monster, Stirge, King Slime, Dyle
Kerning Square
Set Score:50
Mob's Needed:Cherry Bubble Tea, Mango Bubble Tea, Melon Bubble Tea, Yeti Doll Claw Game, Jr. Pepi Doll Claw Game, Transformed Doll Claw Game, Blue Perfume, Yellow Perfume, Pink Perfume, Kid Mannequin, Female Mannequin, Male Mannequin, Latest Hits Compilation, Greatest Oldies, Cheap Amplifier, Fancy Amplifier, Spirit Of Rock
Set Score:40
Mob's Needed:Slime, Bubbling, Evil Eye, Surgeon Eye, Fairy, Royal Fairy, Lupin, Curse Eye, Cold Eye, Zombie Lupin, Fraust, Malady
Set Score:90
Mob's Needed:Copper Drake, Drake, Red Drake, Wild Kargo, Ice Drake, Dark Drake, Tauromacis, Taurospear, Jr.Balrog, Unknown Snack Bar, [b]Balrog (Yes it is the Expedition one, it drops 2 cards on the bonus stage)
Set Score:40
Mob's Needed:Stump, Dark Stump, Axe Stump, Ghost Stump, Smirking Ghost Stump, Dark Axe Stump, Wild Boar, Wooden Mask, Rocky Mask, Terrified Wild Boar, Fire Boar, Stumpy, Jr. Boogie, Iron Hog, Skeledog, Mummydog, Iron Boar, Skeleton Soldier, Officer Skeleton, Commander Skeleton
Set Score:30
Mob's Needed:Green Mushroom, Orange Mushroom, Horny Mushroom, Blue Mushroom, Crying Blue Mushroom, Zombie Mushroom, Annoyed Zombie Mushroom, Stone Golem, Dark Stone Golem, Mixed Golem, Mushmom, Zombie Mushmom, Blue Mushmom, Cynical Orange Mushroom
Overlooked Villages
Set Score:50
Mob's Needed:Snail, Bue Snail, Muru, Murumuru, Murupa, Murupia, Murukun, Spore, Red Snail, Pig, Ribbon Pig, Blue Ribbon Pig, Mano, Lorang, Tortie, Clang, King Clang
Mushroom Castle
Set Score:30
Mob's Needed:Renegade Spore, Poison Mushroom, Intoxicated Pig, Helmet Pepe, Royal Guard Pepe, Grey Yeti and King Pepe, White Yeti and King Pepe, Gold Yeti and King Pepe, Prime Minister
Set Score:50
Mob's Needed:Potted Sprout, Potted Morning Glory, Grape Juice Bottle, Patrol Robot, Strange Sign, Serpent, Water Thief Monster, Dust Box, Streetlight, Patrol Robot S, Baby Boulder Muncher, Big Boulder Muncher
Verne Mine
Set Score:55
Mob's Needed:Gaurd Robot, Raco, Big Spider, Racaroni, Racoco, Gaurd Robot L, Cart Bear, Security System, Enhanced Security System, AF Android, Broken AF Android, Ore Muncher
Nihal Desert
Set Score:90
Mob's Needed:.Desert Rabbit (F), Desert Rabbit (M), Jr. Cactus, Cactus, Royal Cactus, Bellamoa, Earplug Plead, Scarf Plead, Meerkat, Sand Rat, Scorpion, Sand Dwarf, Kiyo, Dark Sand Dwarf, Deo, Desert Giant
Set Score:110
Mob's Needed:Cube Slime, Rumo, Triple Rumo, Iron Mutae, Reinforced Iron Mutae, Mithril Mutae, Reinforced Mithril Mutae, Roid, Neo Huroid, Rurumo, Homun, Saitie, Security Camera, D. Roy, Homunculus, Deet and Roi, Homunscullo, Chimera, Frankenroid
Set Score:680
Mob's Needed:Beetle, Dual Beetle, Hankie, Rash, Dark Rash, Hobi, Green hobi, Harp, Blood Harp, Black Kentaurus , Blue Kentaurus, Red Kentauras, Birk, Dual Birk, Blue Dragon Turtle, Red Dragon Turtle, Rexton, Brexton, Green Cornian, Dark Cornian, Red Wyvern, Blue Wyvern, Dark Wyven, Manon, Griffey, Jr. Newtie, Nest Golem, Skelegon, Skelesaurus, Leviathan, Dragonoir, Dragon Rider, Horned Tail
Set Score:160
Mobs Needed:Trixter, Green Trixter, Brown Teddy, Pink Teddy, Ratz, Panda Teddy, Roloduck, Black Rats, Helly, Tick, Retz, King Bloctopus, Bloctopus, Propelly, Planey, Toy Trojan, Chronos, Chirppy, Tweeter, Drumming Bunny, Rombot, Block Golem, King Block Golem, Robo, Master Robo, Tick-Tock, Platoon Chronos, Master Chronos, Timer, Alishar
Clocktower Bottom Floor
Set Score:130
Mobs Needed:Buffy, Lazy Buffy, Soul Teddy, Master Soul Teddy, Buffoon, Deep Buffoon, Death Teddy, Master Death Teddy, Ghost Pirate, Dual Ghost Pirate, Klock, Dark Klock, Spirit Viking, Gigantic Spirit Viking, Phantom Watch, Grim Phantom Watch, Gatekeeper, Thanatos, Papulatus
Ellin Forest
Set Score:90
Mobs Needed:Mossy Snail, Tree Rod, Mossy Mushroom, Stone Bug, Primitive Bear, Poison Golem,
Aqua Road
Set Score:240
Mobs Needed:Seacle, Cico, Krappy, Pinboom, Bubble Fish, Flower Fish, Krip, Scuba Pepe, Mask Fish, Jr. Seal, Seruf, Sparker, Freezer, Poopa, Poison Poopa, Goby, Bone Fish, Squid, Risell Squid, Shark, Cold Shark, Pianus
Set Score:60
Mobs Needed:Jr. Lioner, Jr. Cellion, Jr. Grupin, Star Pixie, Lioner, Cellion, Grupin, Lunar Pixie, Nependeath, Dark Nependeath, Luster Pixie, Jr. Lucida, Lucida, Papa Pixie
El Nath
Set Score:60
Mobs Needed:Sentinel, Jr. Yeti, Hector, Dark Jr. Yeti, White Fang, Jr. Sentinel, Ice Sentinel, Fire Sentinel, Leatty, Dark Leatty, Jr. Pepe, Snow Witch, Pepe, Dark Pepe
Dead Mine
Set Score:210
Mobs Needed:Fly Eye, Cerebes, Fire Bomb, Coolie Zombie, Miner Zombie, Riche, Yeti, Dark Yeti, Bain, Yeti and Pepe, Werewolf, Lycanthrope, Dark Yeti and Pepe, Snowman, Zakum
Omega Sector&KFT (Korean Folk Town)
Set Score:80
Mobs Needed:Barnard Grey, Zeta Grey, Ultra Grey, Mateon, Plateon, Mecateon, Moon Bunny, Chief Grey, Hodori, Samiho, Hogul, MT-09, Scholar Ghost, Morphed Blin, Zeno, Yellow King Goblin, Blue King Goblin, Green King Goblin, Nine Tailed Fox,
Mu Lung&Herb Town
Set Score:320
Mobs Needed:Chipmunk, Red Porky, Black Porky, Blue Flower Serpent, Red Flower Serpent, Jar, Ginseng Jar, Master Dummy, Grizzly, Bellflower Root, Sr. Bellflower Root, Straw Target Dummy, Wooden Target Dummy, Reindeer, Book Ghost, Panda, Mr. Alli, Peach Monkey, Kru, Captain, Tae Roon, King Sage Cat, Lord Pirate, Mu Gong
Temple Of Time
Set Score:285
Mobs Needed:Eye of Time, Memory Monk, Memory Monk Trainee, Memory Guardian, Chief Memory Guardian, Qualm Monk, Qualm Monk Trainee, Qualm Guardian, Chief Qualm Guardian, Oblivion Monk, Oblivion Monk Trainee, Oblivion Guardian, Chief Oblivion Guardian, Dodo, Lilynouch, Lyka, Pink Bean
Mushroom Shrine
Set Score:240
Mobs Needed:Crow, Cloud Fox, Big Cloud Fox, Paper Lantern Ghost, Fire Raccoon, Nightghost, Water Goblin, Dreamy Ghost, Blue Mushmom, Black Crow
Ninja Castle
Set Score:190
Mobs Needed:Genin, Chunin, Jonin, Kunoichi, Ashigaru, Ninto, Kacchuu Musha, Castellan,
Showa Village
Set Score:180
Mobs Needed:Extra A, Extra B, Extra C, Extra D, Leader A, Leader B, Bain, Male Boss, Anego, Bodyguard A, Bodyguard B, Grandpa,
Silent Crusade
Set Score:240
Mobs Needed:Mano, Stumpy, Dyle, Faust, Lord Skeleton, King Clang, Pixie Mom, Queen Pepe, Eliza, Toy Black Knight, Nine-Tailed Fox, Timer, Zeno, Deo, Rurumo, D. Roy, King Sage Cat, King Centipede, Master Hoblin, Master Harp, Master Birk, Kentaurus King, Master Dummy
Hoblin King
Set Score:90
Mobs Needed:Hobin Hector, Elite Hoblin, Elite Green Hoblin, Combat Hoblin, Ferocious Hoblin, Rex
Von Leon
Set Score:195
Mobs Needed:Crocky The Gate Keeper, Reindeer, Blood Reindeer, Bearwolf, Grey Vulture, Castle Golem, Von Leon
Henesys Ruins
Set Score:600
Mobs Needed:Mutant Snail, Mutant Orange Mushroom, Mutant Slime, Mutant Ribbon Pig, Mutant Tino, Mutant Tiru, Mutant Tiguru, Dawn, Blaze, Wind, Night, Thunder, Official Knight A, Official Knight B, Official Knight C, Official Knight D, Official Knight E, Advanced Knight A, Advanced Knight B, Advanced Knight C, Advanced Knight D, Advanced Knight E, Mikhail, Oz, Irena, Eckhart, Hawkeye, Cygnus
Gotta Catch All! Temos que pegar temos q pegarCrusade codex Pokemon..
Mais um Post do Reggae =)
Clã Revonatio,Sua Historia começa aki! =)